plspm.plspm module

class plspm.plspm.Plspm(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, config: plspm.config.Config, scheme: plspm.scheme.Scheme = <Scheme.CENTROID: <plspm.scheme._CentroidInnerWeightCalculator object>>, iterations: int = 100, tolerance: float = 1e-06, bootstrap: bool = False, bootstrap_iterations: int = 100, processes: int = 2)

Bases: object

Estimates path models with latent variables using partial least squares algorithm

Create an instance of this class in order to estimate a path model using the partial least squares algorithm. When the algorithm has performed the calculations to create the estimate, you can then retrieve the inner and outer models, scores, the path coefficients, effects, and reliability indicators such as goodness-of-fit and unidimensionality. Bootstrapping results can also be retrieved if they were requested.

__init__(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, config: plspm.config.Config, scheme: plspm.scheme.Scheme = <Scheme.CENTROID: <plspm.scheme._CentroidInnerWeightCalculator object>>, iterations: int = 100, tolerance: float = 1e-06, bootstrap: bool = False, bootstrap_iterations: int = 100, processes: int = 2)

Creates an instance of the path model calculator.

  • data – A Pandas DataFrame containing the dataset to be analyzed
  • config – An instance of config.Config
  • scheme – The inner weighting scheme to use: Scheme.CENTROID (default), Scheme.FACTORIAL or Scheme.PATH (see documentation for scheme)
  • iterations – The maximum number of iterations to try to get the algorithm to converge (default and minimum 100).
  • tolerance – The tolerance criterion for iterations (default 0.000001, must be >0)
  • bootstrap – Whether to perform bootstrap validation (default is not to perform validation)
  • bootstrap_iterations – The number of bootstrap samples to use if bootstrap validation is enabled (default and minimum 100)
  • processes – The number of processes to use while bootstrapping (bootstrap_iterations must be a multiple of processes)

Exception – if the algorithm cannot converge, or if the requested configuration could not be calculated

bootstrap() → plspm.bootstrap.Bootstrap

Gets the results of bootstrap validation, if requested

Returns:an instance of bootstrap.Bootstrap which can be queried for bootstrapping results
Raises:Exception – if bootstrap validation was not requested or if there were insufficient (<10) observations
crossloadings() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets the crossloadings

Returns:a DataFrame with the latent variables as the columns and the manifest variables as the index
effects() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets direct, indirect, and total effects for each path

Returns:a DataFrame with an entry in the index for every path in the model, and a column for direct, indirect, and total effects for the corresponding path.
goodness_of_fit() → float

Gets goodness-of-fit

inner_model() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets the inner model for the endogenous latent variables

Returns:a DataFrame with a row for each latent variable with a direct path to it, and columns for estimate, std error, t, and p>|t|.
inner_summary() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets a summary of the inner model

Returns:a DataFrame with the latent variables as the index, and columns for latent variable type (Exogenous or Endogenous), R squared, block communality, mean redundancy, and AVE (average variance extracted)
outer_model() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets the outer model

Returns:a DataFrame with columns for weight, loading, communality, and redundancy, and a row for each manifest variable
path_coefficients() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets the path coefficient matrix

Returns:a DataFrame of similar form to the Path matrix passed into plspm.config.Config, with the relevant path coefficients in each cell
scores() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets the latent variable scores

Returns:a DataFrame with the latent variable scores, with a column for each latent variable. The index is the same as the index of the data passed in.
unidimensionality() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets the results of checking the unidimensionality of blocks (only meaningful for reflective / mode A blocks)

Returns:a DataFrame with the latent variables as the index, and columns for Cronbach’s Alpha, Dillon-Goldstein Rho, and the eigenvalues of the first and second principal components.